We tried to grow some copper sulphate crystals with our children. 我们想跟孩子们一起制作硫酸铜晶体。
The antiseptic properties of copper sulphate have never been questioned. 硫酸铜具有防腐性,这是不曾有过问题的。
H2O can turn anhydrous copper sulphate solid from white to blue. 水可把无水的硫酸铜固体由白色变成蓝色。
Combination of Self-made Unguent and 1% Copper Sulphate Fluid for Treatment of Stage ⅲ Pressure Ulcers 自制压疮膏联合1%硫酸铜溶液治疗Ⅲ期压疮
Experimental Study of Solar Drying for Feed-grade Copper Sulphate 太阳能干燥饲料级硫酸铜的实验研究
Also, the final discharges are water of PH8 and residues sludge which you can convert to copper sulphate ( fertilizers) by mixing with a little amount of sulphuric acid. 此外,最终排放物为硫酸铜(肥料)以及PH值8晶莹剔透清洁水,你可以将通过与少量的硫酸混变化为硫酸铜(肥料)。
Blue vitriol, ie copper sulphate Alum will settle turbid water. 胆矾(五水硫酸铜).明矾可以澄清浊水。
A pear-shaped synthetic sapphire, ruby, or other alumina-based gem, produced by fusing and tinting alumina. blue vitriol, ie copper sulphate 人造宝石一种通过将铝熔化和染色而制成的梨形合成蓝宝石、红宝石或其它矾土宝石
In this paper, production process of copper sulphate and crude nickle from waste electrolyte. 介绍了废电解液除杂制取硫酸铜和粗镍的主要工艺条件及试验结果。
Zinc-coated steel wire-Test method for uniformity of zinc coating on wire by the copper sulphate dip GB/T2972-1991镀锌钢丝锌层硫酸铜试验方法
It is shown that amino-methyl cellulose has a chemical complexing action and depressing effect on stibnite activated by copper sulphate. 结果表明,铵化羧甲基纤维素对硫酸铜活化的辉锑矿具有化学络合抑制作用。
Methods: The value of lactic acid was detected by using copper sulphate. 方法:采用硫酸铜法,721分光光度计检测乳酸含量。
Experiment of Producing Copper Sulphate from Copper Scrap 催化氧化&硫酸溶解废杂铜生产硫酸铜试验研究
We have produced industrial copper sulphate by using acid etching waste liquor and basicity etching waste liquor. 采用酸性蚀刻废液与碱性蚀刻废液混合沉铜的方法,生产工业硫酸铜。
Productive test of producing copper sulphate and crude nickel from waste electrolyte 废电解液除杂制硫酸铜和粗镍工业试验
This paper introduced a new method of producing copper sulphate from low grade copper mine. 本文介绍了低品位铜矿生产硫酸铜的新方法。
In order to explore the combined ecological effects of acetochlor and copper sulphate on soil microorganisms, the traditional toxicological methods and BIOLOG were employed. 为了探究2种不同类型农药联合施用对土壤微生物的复合生态影响,以除草剂乙草胺和杀菌剂硫酸铜为例,采用传统毒理学方法和BIOLOG法对其进行评价。
In this paper the authors discuss various factors affecting the flotability of pyrite, such as oxidation effect, pH value, sorts of depressors and regulators and the relation between acid cleaning of pyrite surface and activation by copper sulphate. 本文重点研究了影响黄铁矿可浮性的各种因素,如氧化作用、pH值、抑制剂和调整剂种类、酸洗黄铁矿矿物表面和硫酸铜活化等。
A new technology of producing copper sulphate from impurity-removed waste electrolyte is introduced in the paper. 介绍了废电解液净化除杂制取硫酸铜的新工艺。
Site Testing and Result Analysis of Copper Sulphate Electrode in the Metro Stray Currents Monitoring System 地铁杂散电流监测系统新型硫酸铜电极现场试验及测试结果分析
A rapid and easy method of FAAS determination of Fe, Pb, Zn, Ni impurities in import copper sulphate is set up. 本文建立了一种简便快速、准确测定进口硫酸铜中铁、铅、锌、镍的火焰原子吸收方法(FAAS)。
Pharmacokinetics study of oral copper gluconate and copper sulphate 葡萄糖酸铜和硫酸铜的药物动力学研究
It also shows that the performances of anodic aluminum oxide films, ( in twin liquor setup ferrous potassium cyanide and copper sulphate) are good. 实验还表明,亚铁氰化钾和硫酸铜双溶液体系染色所得到的氧化膜性能优良。
Introduction is given to modification of conventional contaminated acid neutralizing system so as to produce zinc vitriol, copper sulphate and crude cadmium and recover cobalt residue. 介绍赤峰冶炼厂对传统的污酸中和处理系统进行改造,生产七水硫酸锌、五水硫酸铜及粗镉,回收钴渣的情况。
Determination of Trace Element Impurities in Copper Sulphate for Electroplating by ICP-AES ICP-AES法测定电镀硫酸铜中杂质元素
Developments in the Process of Copper Sulphate Production by Copper Ores 铜矿石制备硫酸铜工艺研究进展
Methods: Domestic pigeon vomiting models were made with 2% copper sulphate and motilin was made with cisplatin. 方法:用2%硫酸铜制备家鸽呕吐模型,用顺铂制备小鼠胃动素;
Copper-loaded montmorillonite was prepared using montmorillonite and copper sulphate as raw materials. 以蒙脱石和硫酸铜为主要原料,制备载铜蒙脱石。